Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Business Is Business

"So it's Wednesday right"? Lol. These socials will define your life. Maybe it's just me but really; everyday I get on Instagram or Twitter and see people post things we all like or suppose to care about. From exposing to screenshots it's always someone trying to let us know what's going on in their precious lives.

    I'm convinced people are just eager for the attention eager to be acknowledge and eager to have a group of unknowns on their side. Example one: "oh it's Monday right"? Like we don't know it's Monday! Post the guy you all want us to finally know about, You know since we all CARE! It's not that serious same with today though. What makes people think other people who do not know them from a can of paint actually care who you talk to. 

    People use these social site to show everyone how good things are going, how popping they claim to be, how broke they baby's dad is, how much of a thief they baby mom is, how they have the best relationship, how much money they got. The list goes on, but honestly what is everyone trying to prove? Like thank you for putting me in your business but why should I know all these things? You don't ned my approval to do what you do.

    I'm not lying to you when I tell you these people who follow you on these social sites DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE! They really don't. I mean they might act like they care say "damnnnn" or maybe "yall is cute together" but trust when I say someone screenshoted you and put you in a group message talking about "your business". So really all you do most of the time when you post is give people something to talk about. Now you might be the type who like get into stuff like that but me I don't like people in my business because I don't care about anyone's opinion! 

   Here's what cracks me up the most. Here's what I really wanted to crack down on. People post so much about their personal lives and then will get mad once someone has something to say. I mean once you post something to the public your now giving the public a chance to voice their opinions weather it's good ones or bad ones. But lord knows you guys hate it when it's bad ones and have the nerve to tell people to "mind their business". People wouldn't be in your business if you didn't put them in it. I can honestly tell you a few people's whole lives and what they been thru and I swer to you I probably don't even speak to them or even meet them. YES ITS THAT SERIOUS! 

    All I'm saying is this, if you don't want anyone to know don't post. Keep that thought better yet, that business to yourself if it's not anyone's business, Keep it to a minimum!

Sorry Not Sorry

      Long time no see fellow readers! I have been extremely busy with work and holidays I have failed to keep you guys updated. So therefore I would like to say sorry. Would you guys except my apology? I know this maybe another sorry to add to your list of sorrys you may have got over this past year. Many of them meaningful, many of them pointless, and all of them you're just plain old tired of hearing. Trust me when I say you're not the only one tired of these apologies.

      An apology is a regretful acknowledgment of an offense of failure, well at least that's what the dictionary would say. Now days people use it just as much as people use Love.  We tend to only do it when we think it'll make things better, or shut a person up. Nine times out of ten people rarely are ever sorry about what they did. When people say they are sorry they usually mean "...for hurting your feelings", never for what they did. Now don't get me wrong I honestly think people do things ignorantly. They go in a situation not knowing rather or not it's about to hurt your feelings and once they do it, it's already done so there's no taking it back. So sorry is probably the only thing they can say to you.

      You can't get upset with a person for being ignorant. Sometimes the communication isn't there so they really don't know how you feel. But when a "sorry" is coming from a person who knows you, who knows how you feel, and who knows before they go into any situation how you would feel about it, is a person who simply don't care. I'm sorry to break it to you(lol) because it's sad and hard to take in but hear me out. First time a person does anything to hurt you and say sorry it's fine to accept their apology, but afterwards let them know how you felt about it. The second time they do it they just showed you how you felt didn't mean anything to them. So how do they really expect you to think what they did they didn't mean to do? 

        A "sorry" can only be accepted but so many times. After a while a sorry becomes just that. "Sorry for letting you down.." Again? "Sorry for talking to her/him" Again? "Sorry I cheated.." Again? People soon become sorry after a while. Sorry ass people. 

     I'm really the queen of "you shouldn't had did it" because seriously, if you knew why would you do it. Nothing is accidental. We are no longer kids, where we don't know what we are doing. Everything I do like anyone else, we do things we want to do. So I know if a person is doing anything they're doing it because they wanted to do it. When someone says "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..". What they really mean is "sorry I didn't mean for you to find out and feel some type of way".

      So remember the list of sorrys you have take that list, crumble it up in your fist, and throw it away with the rest of the bullshit you terminated in your life. In order for you to feel free you have to forgive. Not for them but for yourself, to be at peace with yourself no need to hold a grudge with someone who is simply sorry for not caring. Surround yourself around people who want the same thing as you. Be with some one who isn't sorry; be with someone who is glad to be with you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you and would do everything in their power to make sure that never happens! 

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Break-Up

  Life is a bunch of mood swings. You just never know what today may bring... When it goods... Oh it's great, but when it's bad, it's the worst. You feel like you've done everything possible to make it work it to make someone else happy. Nothing is ever good enough.

  When this happens it may feel like the end it may feel like this is it. and most times that may be the case but neither one of you want disappoint one another, but at the end of the day if neither of you are happy and you guys feel like you're being force to be in a relationship, its pretty pointless. You can't make anyone be what you want them to be and you can't expect them to be what they are not.

  It honestly suck when you feel like something was so right but its not. things will begin to become annoying; You'll become very irritable around one another; everything that person do will bother you.  You'll begin to just find any reason to argue. You'll really just feel like a totally different person. One thing you cannot do is loose yourself. You have to be the person in control of your own happiness, sadness, and emotions as a whole.

  Once you give a person that much control over how you feel without them is a thought you can't even bare to think about. this makes you think you need a person even though you're not truly happy. You're fooling yourself, you're only truly happy when you can be happy regardless of anyone or anything else. letting be in control of how you feel will make you think you cant go on without them and this is not true. Yes breaking up hurts yes it is sad, and yes it hurts your heart because you believe someone was so very different than all the others and all they did was prove to you they were just like the rest. And really all you ever wanted was to feel how you did and the beginning. You both just got comfortable and stop doing what you did to get eachother to fall in love in the first place.

  See the thing is people play with this thing everyone seems to want called "LOVE". they throw it around as if they are playing hot potato. Everyone wants it but not everyone knows how to love. Love is something that is everlasting so when you love some one and you really mean it that love you have for that person will never  vanish it will last forever even when things seem to be over love will always be enough. You will always be able to count on it. And just because its over doesn't mean the person doesn't love you its just mean they feel like they did everything they could do to remain in love but feelings didn't match up with what was in their heart Does that make any sense? I know love is hard to understand. It's even harder to explain.

  Trust me when I say things get better. They always do. It just takes time. everything does. Just how it took time for you to even love the person you though you would be with for the rest of your life. this is the time you use to find yourself and learn to throw away the person who feels so betrayed. This is not the time to dwell on what it aren't but time to except things for what they are. Time to get busy because all you will end up doin is thinking about it non stop everyone you do will remind you of that person and it will hurt every single time. You got to get into things to get your mind off of the things you can't seem to forget. If things are meant to be they will be. I know how cliché that might sound but it is true. everything that happens or that is happening to you are only preparing you and making you the you you've been waiting to be your whole life.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Cuffin' Season

  Greens are beginning to turn different shades of orange; birds are flying south; bears are just about ready to go into hibernation; and us humans.. Well we'er all of a sudden ready to cuff or be cuffed. This is Cuffin' Season.
  Summer is now coming to an end and lust is really in the air. Now most of us may say we'er not really looking, but please let's be honest... Nothing beats skin to skin with someone, laughing at pointless jokes, or just talking to someone who really gets you. Forgetting everyone else even exist for just a few moments is better than being alone. I mean who really wants to go outside in the cold unless they have to you know.
  This season can be very tricky though. This is the time you find the right one to do just that with. If you don't someone else will. You may call up an old number from a party you attended this summer. You guys may just might had hit it off but you were just too busy having fun to even try to chill. Now you're contemplating on what exactly it is you're going to say to this person.. A simple "hey" always work. Don't really want to come off too strong but I mean really everyone is looking for the same thing. Some of us just don't know how to communicate.
  Now make sure the person you're going for isn't cuffed already (nobody likes a somebody else's and don't be that "we sharing" ass person). Get to know them a little. Ask what they like and things they like to do. These are things you need to know because it's going be a long winter and you guys can't just be having sex(unless that's what you into now Ayyeee I ain't mad you do ya thang). But seriously you don't want to be weird not knowing what to do or say once things go into play so for the most part be cool act like you know them once they come around. You both should be comfortable as possible because lord knows everyone had those awkward "chill" sessions.
  Now you also want to observe their surroundings too because you might get a "friends to the end" type of person. Y'all know them "I'm with my bros everyday all gay" type of guys and them "ladiiiessss my bitch my sis where my bestfriend at" type of girls. Don't get me wrong ain't nothing wrong with having friends they always going be there. We get that, but damn do they make you cum!?... I didn't think so! This season you want to see them on occasions. If you have that type of person you trying to cuff, you need to become that person they enjoy being around that's where all the things they told you they had liked come into play. So that should be a piece of cake.
  We all know that this season may not last forever. So please don't take everything so serious. But if you go with the flow you'll never know. I mean y'all only friends now. It also may turn into something for the time being which is also understandable. Just don't be surprised if they begin to act funny as summer begin to break. It's up to y'all what y'all want to do. But for now just enjoy ones company!

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

How It Feel

  I thought I knew it all... I thought i had it all down to a T down to repeat.. To tell someone else how to do it.
Just when I thought I knew he came and showed me; Showed me how it's really done.
Funny because I swer I didn't want any distractions. But I honestly didn't mind his presents plus he admire my attention so soon he just became apart of the plan.
  The thing about this is that I don't hear anything but his heart... I remember the steady beat; I can hear when it slows down to let him speak.
  I don't ask him a bunch of questions often because I don't want him to think I don't believe his actions... I hear them more than anything. And in this case I'm not such a good listener, but paying attention make it an actual sight to see.
  It's not so bad to not listen if it's not what I want to hear, but more of what I want to see is more important to me... He gives me that girl in the movie affect. That's exactly how I see it in my head. I can replay it over and over again and it's always a good romance chick flick.
  I hear his name and automatically began to look for him to appear. I hear his voice and close my eyes and see his lips saying exactly what he's saying moving exactly the way they would move as if he was right in front of me saying it.
  I wish it was like that with his touch because it's so heavenly I can only remember it and not actually feel it as much as I want to. I can't get the same goosebumps; the same nerve movement that creep through me when he touch me. I swer when he touches me it's like a butterfly that landed on a honeysuckle and tried to suck it dry but it remembers that it's going to want it later, so it saves it right before it's too late. When it decides to fly away it always comes back and do the same thing. The honeysuckle don't mind because the feeling of knowing that the butterfly is coming back to it and isn't going to let it die is literally breathtaking...
  Even though I can't feel him physically, I can feel him holding on to my soul mentally. I'm stuck thats how I know this feeling can't go away. It don't stop and I don't remember when it started; it happened and then I feel in love like how you fall... Slowly but then all at once like BOOM. Only difference is I'm falling upside down... I'm floating now, I can't find solid ground, and I don't even want to...

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Jealous For What?

   "Why is she liking  alllll your pictures"? "Y'all must talk"! "Like I really don't get it... She not going keep likin ya pics"? "I mean y'all talk right"!?
These are just some of jealous questions you or you're partner might ask. Now some of you might think that this isn't jealousy, and it might not be if he or she isn't insecure. See you can ask all these questions and more and not be jealous because you're not insecure, insecurity comes with being jealous. You have a personal problem with in you. It's only a sign of lack of confidence. And that is why many people get jealous when their partner gets special attention from someone else.
   Most people think that jealously is a sign of affection like "Awww that's so nice he really cares about you girl he trying to protect you""That only means she really cares if she showin she jealous" Well if you ask me he or she sounding real crazy, but that's only if you ask me! Also sound like they have trust issues. These jealous people are normally seeking to be in control which is unhealthy in a relationship. No ones the boss in a relationship; you set boundaries to stay together not try to control something that is completely out of your control.
For example: A girl leaves heart eyes under your guys picture. A jealous girl will cuss him out for what the girl did. Anyone else would be like "thanx, ain't he just to die for" and be happy that he is hers and instead of cussing him out reward his fine ass for not acknowledging them heart eyes! YOU CAN LOOK BUT DON'T TOUCH HUNNY!
   See a lot of the jealously comes from your partner half of the time. If she or he is known for screwing around on you of course you're going be jealous and insecure because now there's others to worry about. Which really isn't cool but yeah it do happen so guys when you're doing this, you can't blame a lady for being jealous when you got her out here thinking she got to compete for you! A guys duty is to make his lady feel like she the only girl in the world for him, make her feel like ain't nothing better for him, and to remind her how beautiful she is!
  Jealousy will ruin a relationship. I don't care what anyone says. How much they think it means, how much they think it shows a person cares for you. IT DON'T! It only shows that they think they can loose you to another person so they act out and push their partner away and end up loosing them any way.
  Now I'm going tell you what Mee do. I wake up, roll over, checks phone, search his page, go thru comments, go thru likes, and check his twitter. You think I'm jealous. I think I'm nebby lol. And this can be many of you I know I'm not the only one. Now what makes me different from being jealous is that I'm not insecure. I think I'm ALL THAT & MORE for my guy. I don't doubt him or accuse him of others doing. I ask simply because I want to know! I can careless about another girl!
   My advice to you jealous ladies. Learn to love yourself first because that's where it starts. If you want to know something ask instead of accuse. Work on your trust. Learn to not give a damn about the next girl. You should always feel like you're the shit and you got this!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Angels In Disguise

 Death is something we don't see coming but all know him when we see him. We see it every day weather it's in a peaceful or tragic way. He comes and take away the people we love the most, the people we care about, the people which whom we planned on growing old with, the people who we know would have never left our side unless death has arrived,  and that's exactly when it hits us.
  That's the worst part because we never knows when he's coming so we take a lot of things for granted; A lot of things we wish we could have did differently; A lot of things we wish we could take back; A lot of things we wish never happened but know if it didn't we wouldn't be where we at.
 Death will have you questioning Gods actions, shoot questioning if there even is a God sometimes because he makes you think it's the work of someone so evil, because only a evil person would want to see you go thru something like this. But that's not true. This is something WE ALL done been thru something all so very familiar with, but would hate to deal with.
 You might even began to ask god Why!? Looking in the sky hoping for a reply Why!? But sometimes he doesn't answer right away, maybe it's because he's gathering your support system up in a huddle and telling them "your love ones needs you right now help your brother/sister thru... BREAK"!
 He called so many of his angels home thru out the years, maybe he need them more than we do and just knowing that they're job they had was now done and it was even a blessing to even meet a person who is now capable of watching you, guiding you, holding you, helping you, loving you, without being here physically because their spirit is just as great as there physical appearance. They were Angels the whole time and you didn't even know it til the end; That's what messes you up like... "I knew an angel.. Why didn't they tell me"?
 Death puts you thru the worst pain you can ever go thru mentally and emotionally. He makes you beat yourself up, cry your eyes dry, and make you feel pain like you never felt before, but most of all he makes you realize that life is way to short for the petty things, for you to take for granted, for you to not know when it might be your time or someone so very close to you to go.
 God wouldn't put you thru any obstacle he know you couldn't get thru. Remain Prayed Up!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What You Mean You Not Happy?

 Hey... I'm sorry if I never speak. But it's only because I come here to get my word out to those who need it. Now all of you act as though you don't need it or may act like the person you pretend to be on Instagram, Twitter, or maybe even Facebook I don't know. But what I do know is what we all want but seem like it's so hard to find thanks to these fasages. Happiness is what we really seek even if we have everything we could imagine. What would it be if you're not happy?

 Now happiness is not something you can go looking for. You really have to feel it, you have to be able to always look at it in it's face and smile with no remorse. Happiness often sneaks through a door, you didn't even know you left open. It's the most refreshing feeling in the world. So a lot of times I don't get how someone simply cannot be happy!

 In a relationship if your not happy it won't work. If you want to be happy you will work for it. Happiness sees you. You cannot fake it. You first have to be real with yourself and let someone else enjoy you just the way you are instead of the way you're not. If you feel like you are settling I swer to you you're not happy. If you feel like you have to have the latest and the greatest your not happy. You can have a million dollars and not be happy. Don't let the finer things make you believe your happy. A person can treat you like complete shit and buy you something the next day that doesn't make the pain go away it doesn't mean anything. All it does it shows you that they can afford it.

 Someone who is truly happy appreciate it. Someone who wants to make you happy appreciate you and everything you do. Someone who can tell you you're beautiful flaws and all, wake up and think about you all the way until they go to sleep, except the fact that sometimes you snore or some creep shit you don't want no one else to ever find out lol, someone who really cares about your well being, and someone who believe in you and is always there no matter how far, someone who likes you just as much as you like them. Shit someone who likes you back. These are more than every reason to be happy. Someone will have this and I'm like HOW YOU NOT HAPPY? Because really how could you not be happy with that?

  You really cannot believe that because a person has money and a nice car that they can make you happy now if your partner do then that's a plus but if you go in trying to get something out of it your only looking for lust and not love or happiness. You're in charge of your own happiness; you have to want it and let it be known that that's exactly what you want and if a person is trying to trick you into believing because they have it all that they can make you happy you have to let them know happiness cannot be bought. DONT BELEIVE THE HYPE! These social sites will fool you. You would be suprise about how many people are not happy with their situations. Underneath the fasage is misery and sometimes you can tell because as humans we break down and slip up. We as humans are truly living in the GILDED AGES where everyone acts as thought they shit don't have a funky smell or everything that glitter is gold. When really we all want to be happy so bad that we'll fake it til we make it even if we know for surely it's not the real deal. IN ORDER TO BE HAPPY YOU HAVE TO HAVE SOMETHING TO LOVE, SOMETHING TO DO, AND SOMETHING TO LOOK FOWARD TO!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Trick or Treat?

 Now days every lady is looking for that guy who can  provide for them; Right? Someone who can spend some money on you, oh naw y'all don't want no broke n*gga! I honestly think you ladies get providing and supporting a bit mixed up Tricking and treating  all the way messed up.That's okay, because now I'm here to help you separate the two. Single Ladies go grab a notebook and pen!

 First off , I'm going need all you ladies to stop calling these men tricks... why? Because when a man tricks he's usually a pimp tricking on his hoes who's about to be working that track and having sex for money. So if he is tricking on you because your giving him sex in return who's the hoe? hmmmm I'll wait. If you only got your hand out for some money your not an helping hand you're no better than these hoes working that track. It's not a good look; no guy wants a lady who forever got her hand out.

 Now their are ladies out here guys who actually can have that helping hand out so she don't need no hand outs. She helping herself and if you need her to do something for you its no problem. This is a turn on ladies; a guy cant help you if you can't help yourself. You always want to be that girl who can stand on your own two feet. You really have to have something going for yourself if you want anybody to respect you; you cant just be sitting at home not going to school, not going to work, not doing nothing. It only leave you with nothing to offer but a orgasm for these guys.

 A guy be knowing from the first time y'all text, talk, or link up if you are going to be a girl who he's trying to f*ck or a girl he's actually trying to f*ck with. It's all about how you portray yourself. Don't say anything that will give him the impression you want it as bad as he do. Now that is unless you actually do but you have to understand that's just what its going be. You really have to let him know what you're looking for from the start, do not go beating around the bush because you guys may start kicking it and he may start buying you things and you may even start to developing feelings when really he's doing all this tricking to get the treat.

 At this point this can go either two ways. If you told him you were trying to built a relationship and you have more than just sex to offer he may rock with you and start treating. Its not considered tricking if he actually f*cks with you. Now if you only have sex to offer and he just spend all this money on you he's going feel like sex is what he got in return for all the tricking he did. And nine times out of ten he will be on to the next. Sorry girl it was fun while it lasted. So kill that tricking word ladies its just silly to say "oh but he's a trick" if your not just trying to get some money and get f*cked. Let's be realistic for a moment. No matter what the situation is every guy wants to have sex when they first meet a girl but you can honest change if he wants to treat you or trick you. Its all up to you ladies!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What You Really Want?

  As a child my parents always tried to explain to me what my wants and needs are. Trying to tell me that my needs are way more important than my wants even when my wants out weight my needs. Now people take this a bit far, making their wants their needs and vise versa. Or sometimes even forgetting about their wants thinking they're unimportant!

 Wanting to be happy is important; wanting to be married is important; wanting to be successful.. IS IMPORTANT! None of these are exactly needs what so ever but are important when you're trying to figure out what your future will contain. It really amazes me how many people don't know what to say when someone asks them "WHAT DO YOU WANT"? If you want it then say it.. It's really that simple because most people can careless about your needs and get confused about wants.

  I thought it was so funny how I just seen toshthugettes post about how guys don't never be up front about what they want.. That's only because we all know what they want at the end of the day which is fine but leading someone on is never the case. If you want to be just friends but want to do what people in relationships do, which can be difficult, but shit we can make it work. All you have to do is say that's what you want! If you just want sex you need to say that's what you want. How don't you know if I may want that too? Don't go forcing anything because you're not sure what you want! And don't go forgetting what just sex means! Don't go acting as if you want something more because things could get pretty messy. And don't get upset when you get what you want be clear not misleading.

 Guys and girls be so worried about what they think they need but never know exactly what they want.  I always feel like if you don't know what you want then you don't need to be trying to mess with me. Only because time is a precious thing we can not get back. Please don't go wasting anyone's time just because you don't know exactly what you want... And most of us don't but that's something we all NEED to work on!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Triangle Effect

 Through out life we all go through these crazy dilemmas. Not all of us have gone through a dilemma such as a love triangle but a good handful has. Now recently there have been a few people who came to me for advice on what they should do and I'm only going to say this once. I can not tell you what to do I can only help you through ;You are your own person. I can't make you do anything. Ok, Alright, Cool.
So normally in a love triangle there are two ladies and a guy(NORMALLY!). The guy usually has one lady whom he really likes. Then he has another lady who he likes a lot but not so sure about. These ladies are two totally different people. Now I'm not going to call neither one of these ladies the main chick or side chick because if anyone wants to get technical no one is number one at first lol. It's the ladies who make him make that decision.

 Now a single guy can do as he pleases. He's not committed to either of these ladies; but once they find out about each other the competition begins, and us ladies make up these rules in our little heads on what a man can and cannot do and you cannot do that especially when he's is not obligated to you. I can honestly admit and vouch for this being a fact because I and many others I know maybe even the ladies reading this is like "hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah". How you going have rules for a game you don't have no control over!?

 Listen... When this competition becomes noticeable to the guy and to the public, especially the public... Is when it gets real! These ladies go at each other's neck, and we will all be right on these social site all in it. And what we might not peep is that there's always that one lady who's on chill while the other feels as though she has so much to prove. Doing the most is all a threatened female knows. And that's a major turn off. The lady attacking is pushing the guy so far away she doesn't even notice because she so caught up trying to compete with the next we going call her the crazy one.

 But just because the guy falling back don't mean he still don't "fuck with" the crazy lady. The lady who was on chill NORMALLY becomes the girlfriend and feels like she won when really he  still talking to the crazy lady. This is when the main chick side BS take affect and it's still a lose lose situation and y'all both dummies. Now because the guy has two girls he's trying to please  so he start. lying instead of keeping it real with the two ladies.

 My advice to anyone in this situation is this; If a guy is going to make you compete for a spot next him & this goes for both ladies; Don't no body want to be that "But I fuck with you" ass bitch. Excuse my French but that's just what it is. If he came with drama tell him it's a rap take that shit to FTR because don't nobody got time for that... Ties right into my "Rule #1 Never Be #2" ladies again... KNOW YOUR WORTH!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Just Fishing

 Every now and then I have a friend or associate who goes thru these misleading relationships.  It's always the same little routine "He like her; She like him; They have sex; The End". Thru out the time the two are messing around, they be doing stuff people in relationships do. So when one of the two lose interest it's shocking and the the one that thought it was something is more confused than anything because they just found out they weren't what the person wanted.

I get this question a lot when this happens "Memee what did I do wrong?""Mee what's wrong with me?"? And I'm like well... For starters THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU! You guys apparently weren't on the same page; which means you didn't even bother to ask the person what he or she wanted! This is important information in any relationship you trying to build. A simple "What do you want?" At the beginning not in the middle when your left asking "Well what are we?" When you notice things aren't like it use to be asking them this later will only scare and confuse them. Asking them what they want first; That's being specific. Letting them know what they're getting into is important especially when you're going fishing!

I stay fishing for my wants, because I know what I want. And a person who do not know what they want is going be stuck, and nine times out of ten end up in a "situationship" with someone who ain't with you all the way all because you don't meet their required wants; which really sucks. But don't go beating yourself up because you're not what someone want.

Going fishing is way easier when you know what you're trying to catch. You need to use your wants as bait. "Long-term relationship""honesty""freaky""like kids""know how to keep a conversation"...etc. you catch my drift though right? Especially when you first meet a person. Fish to get them to tell you what they want feed them your wants if you can work with it get them hooked.

Now just cause they tasting ya bait do not...DO NOT mean they're hooked. A fish could taste a few baits they think they like but not going get hooked, they'll keep trying other baits until they find a  bait they want; right there and then is when they'll eat it up and get hooked.

Getting hooked is only half of it. Reeling them is the other half. They might be scared and give you a hard time but you have to be strong enough to really pull them in.

But keep in mind were not really fish people! We are humans and we change are minds every day. So you might not like what you caught... Simply throw it back in and continue to fish!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The "R" Word

And no guys were not talking bout Real we talking bout Relationships! Now you have to know that this particular subject is very tricky so I'm going just give it to you my way!
There's always 5 steps in Relationships.
1. Friendship
2. Common grounds
3. Trust
4. Forgiveness
5. Friendship
Here me out one time because I know you thinking maybe there's something wrong with this step list, and if you thinking that I'm sure after I break this down you going feel me!
When in a relationship before anything you want to be a persons friend; you want to get to know a person; you want to know they deepest darkest secrets; you want to except their flaws and they except yours; you want to respect them being friends set a level of respect a person will have for you; you want to be that person they can come to and vise versa; you want to be able to do anything with and around them; you want to be comfortable, shit you want to be they friend. Now a lot of people do not do this & choose the ho' way cuz all these hoes know is ho' and wonder why everything be harder after they trying be with a guy they like. And it's mainly because they don't even know that person and thinking that's what guys like when that's not always the case. So you can't even act ignorant towards a situation once it occurs; you can't just say "I don't know why we stop talkin..." Or "I didn't know.." Of course you didn't know; you don't even know that person!!!
The next step is most certainly important. You must have common grounds! LET ME REPEAT!!! You MUST have common grounds!! When you talking to someone after you get to know them you know if you want to really be with a person especially if you guys is already friends you just got to see what type time the other person is about to be on; make sure that person got you like you got them; make sure they all about you like you all about them, because it don't always work like that. Maybe the other person is not ready, not trying go that route, or really just don't want to be committed. That's why you have to ask what a person want. Find common grounds because you might still want that person in your life; you guys might find another way that works out for the both of you, because everyone isn't always up for being down!
Now we got to get over this hump. Trust is the very next step in a relationship. You guys read my last blog on trust? If not go do that! But all seriousness. This is very important no matter what ship you on; relationship, friendship, fuckship, whatever. This is key. Keep it REAL at all times. You got to know that you can trust the person you with so no matter the situation good or bad keep it a stack even when it's the ugliest truth. This way when something does happen a person can always say "Well at least they kept it real and didn't keep me in the dark". You also have to know what your comfortable with because there might be a situation you feel like you could get over and if so then make it work. & KEEP YA FRIENDS UP OUT YA BUSINESS! You need advice they can give that but can't nobody tell you what to do. Most people be hypocrites anyway not knowing until they actually in a situation. It's hard when you love a person and they betray you; I know, trust me!!! You just have to have a limit because if not a person will continue to do single shit thinking you going be right there always, the trust will be all screwed up, you'll be looking stupid, and the relationship will be pointless sooner than later. You and that person won't have no type of common grounds, you'll be thinking you in a relationship why the other person doing them, doing other people, and still trying do you! 
If you have some type of sense you would know what comes with trust; Forgiveness. Don't ever not try to forgive because it's only hurting you. You have to forgive, you really have to, especially if you want things to work. You have to find self peace. Holding a grudge will have you miserable and unhappy. And just because your forgiving them do not mean your forgetting. I know people hate when someone bring up old shit... But sometimes you have to just to let them know "member you did that... I forgave you.. But that's why I be doing this". 
Last but really first. Because it's really a cycle if you think about it. You can't go out on a bad note. You really can't stay mad either. You will only be letting another person control your life and  your future. You have to always want to be friends because what would it really even mean if you just let the ship sink... You have to stay on board. Everybody go thru things everybody almost crash but both of you have to grab the wheel and get it back on track.
I know many of y'all is in a relationships right now reading this like damn is Big Mee talking to me? And yeah I am!  Make it work be happy don't let the little things effect what you work so hard on to built. But at the same time know your limit because sometimes enough is enough! & if you can't make it work stay friends keep it moving. Too many people in this world to be pressed about one!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014


In grade school thinking and wanting all these friends was cool... just to grow up knowing most people don't know how to be a friend, how we expect them to even be a boyfriend or girlfriend.
I remember playing the trust game; Y'all remember that? You would fall back in front of a person just to see if they would catch you and if they caught you, you could trust them! PISH POSH right!? If someone want to see you fall.. They wont catch you!
Now days people rarely have morals and do things knowing it will hurt someone; Intentionally doing so just to get their own piece of satisfaction. Making most of us run with the saying "Trust NO ONE". Which is misleading in relationships because people have that mindset, its just installed in them making it hard for someone to even get close.
Me personally... I think trust is the hardest thing you can build with a person. Chemistry comes off the bat, sexual feelings comes very soon after, then trust gets involved, and I don't think people realize how bad lying could be.. even if you decide to tell the truth later on.
See, you lying about something just because your afraid (YEAH guys I said afraid because that's exactly what it is) that if that person knew the truth they would no longer want be in a relationship with you; Lying is only forcing you to be in one that's based on LIES... And you don't understand why they don't trust you!!!? You screwed up the trust fool!
People need to learn how to built trust. Give someone the opportunity to screw up and if they pass then they got your trust, for the time being at least because if another opportunity comes along and they fail; They screwed up the trust. When you go to repair trust you never forget, even if you forgive. You have to let a person know they can do what they want as long as their comfortable knowing the consequences. Mess up our trust lose us. Is it worth it? If so go for it, you can no longer trust a person after this. Without trUSt there's no US!                                              

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rule #1 Never Be #2

"#1 winner; #2 Never Remembered; #3 beginner..."

Many of you ladies may not like this... this is only my opinion and from my experience.
No matter how you put it, after #1 it's never important or even something to brag about. #1 is all you'll ever be compared to.
Ladies who take pride in being THE OTHER 1(lol) crack mee up; only because they're settling, not caring about their WORTH; practically saying all they're good for is being THE OTHER 1; It's enough for them!
How could you take "sharing is caring" to a literal state of life; How could you beat yourself down like that giving a guy that satisfaction of "having his cake and eating it too." You cant forget about your WORTH; your DIGNITY; your RESPECT; which you lack of for yourself for even letting this go on.
Every lady deserves to be a QUEEN. A man is only going respect you the same way you respect yourself so if you come off as a ho' he going treat you like a ho' you come off as a lady he going treat like one!
Don't go giving these men the impression that what he is doing is okay one way(YOUR WAY) or no way(HO' WAY) you're belittling yourself if you let him pick both.
Ladies know your WORTH!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


-"Knock Knock!".
-"Who's there?".
-"The One..Is Love there?"

    Living in this generation where everything is only momentarily, where every woman looking for love more than they look for their lost keys! But most are so emotionally damage, their past reason being. Is it cruel to let your future be affected by your past or is it better? I mean every guy isn't a jerk but a handful of them are, even when they think they aren't, causing woman to pull away and crawl back under the rock they chanced on coming from under to begin with. Honestly no one wants to be disappointed or set to be let down; It comes with hurt but definitely awareness. Making people, mainly woman second guess with relationships; sad to say I think it makes woman more afraid of love than anything. That's why its really kind of funny when guys get offended when a woman says "Well, I've been hurt before" or "I had bad experiences..." Only because they take pride in saying "All Men aren't the same." But females constantly land in the same or quit similar situations from their prior relationships. This makes a girl wonder. So ladies when "The One" comes knocking on the door announcing who it is, are you going to answer with open arms or say "Love don't live here anymore!"? Can't dwell on the past so much that you start letting it affect your future!