Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Rule #1 Never Be #2

"#1 winner; #2 Never Remembered; #3 beginner..."

Many of you ladies may not like this... this is only my opinion and from my experience.
No matter how you put it, after #1 it's never important or even something to brag about. #1 is all you'll ever be compared to.
Ladies who take pride in being THE OTHER 1(lol) crack mee up; only because they're settling, not caring about their WORTH; practically saying all they're good for is being THE OTHER 1; It's enough for them!
How could you take "sharing is caring" to a literal state of life; How could you beat yourself down like that giving a guy that satisfaction of "having his cake and eating it too." You cant forget about your WORTH; your DIGNITY; your RESPECT; which you lack of for yourself for even letting this go on.
Every lady deserves to be a QUEEN. A man is only going respect you the same way you respect yourself so if you come off as a ho' he going treat you like a ho' you come off as a lady he going treat like one!
Don't go giving these men the impression that what he is doing is okay one way(YOUR WAY) or no way(HO' WAY) you're belittling yourself if you let him pick both.
Ladies know your WORTH!

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