Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Jealous For What?

   "Why is she liking  alllll your pictures"? "Y'all must talk"! "Like I really don't get it... She not going keep likin ya pics"? "I mean y'all talk right"!?
These are just some of jealous questions you or you're partner might ask. Now some of you might think that this isn't jealousy, and it might not be if he or she isn't insecure. See you can ask all these questions and more and not be jealous because you're not insecure, insecurity comes with being jealous. You have a personal problem with in you. It's only a sign of lack of confidence. And that is why many people get jealous when their partner gets special attention from someone else.
   Most people think that jealously is a sign of affection like "Awww that's so nice he really cares about you girl he trying to protect you""That only means she really cares if she showin she jealous" Well if you ask me he or she sounding real crazy, but that's only if you ask me! Also sound like they have trust issues. These jealous people are normally seeking to be in control which is unhealthy in a relationship. No ones the boss in a relationship; you set boundaries to stay together not try to control something that is completely out of your control.
For example: A girl leaves heart eyes under your guys picture. A jealous girl will cuss him out for what the girl did. Anyone else would be like "thanx, ain't he just to die for" and be happy that he is hers and instead of cussing him out reward his fine ass for not acknowledging them heart eyes! YOU CAN LOOK BUT DON'T TOUCH HUNNY!
   See a lot of the jealously comes from your partner half of the time. If she or he is known for screwing around on you of course you're going be jealous and insecure because now there's others to worry about. Which really isn't cool but yeah it do happen so guys when you're doing this, you can't blame a lady for being jealous when you got her out here thinking she got to compete for you! A guys duty is to make his lady feel like she the only girl in the world for him, make her feel like ain't nothing better for him, and to remind her how beautiful she is!
  Jealousy will ruin a relationship. I don't care what anyone says. How much they think it means, how much they think it shows a person cares for you. IT DON'T! It only shows that they think they can loose you to another person so they act out and push their partner away and end up loosing them any way.
  Now I'm going tell you what Mee do. I wake up, roll over, checks phone, search his page, go thru comments, go thru likes, and check his twitter. You think I'm jealous. I think I'm nebby lol. And this can be many of you I know I'm not the only one. Now what makes me different from being jealous is that I'm not insecure. I think I'm ALL THAT & MORE for my guy. I don't doubt him or accuse him of others doing. I ask simply because I want to know! I can careless about another girl!
   My advice to you jealous ladies. Learn to love yourself first because that's where it starts. If you want to know something ask instead of accuse. Work on your trust. Learn to not give a damn about the next girl. You should always feel like you're the shit and you got this!


  1. Rameeh Scott ,
    Great article. After reading I thought you made some very valid points. I agree that jealousy can split two people apart from one another. It is believed that jealousy is a choice . Therefore some people choose to behave in a jealousy way. As you stated ,this may be a result of incidents in past relationships. However, despite the fact that a jealous person is making an attempt to keep their relationship together they are actually pushing the other person away. In a sense this shows that, even though people have good intentions, their actions bring out the worst. As a result this makes it easy for someone to leave their jealous partner and build a relationship with someone else. This person may display respect, treat them with dignity, and doesn't constantly challenge their integrity. Yes it is true, integrity is a vanishing commodity on the market. However people who still have it should be treated as if they have it. But overall great article I know allot of men and women who should read this.


    1. You're right.. Jealous people often challenge their partners integrity and when you're in a relationship no one wants to feel like they can't win in any situation because they are not trusted or in most case the jealous mate is simple just jealous and don't know how to deal with one self's personal issue. Thank you for the feed back.
