Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Break-Up

  Life is a bunch of mood swings. You just never know what today may bring... When it goods... Oh it's great, but when it's bad, it's the worst. You feel like you've done everything possible to make it work it to make someone else happy. Nothing is ever good enough.

  When this happens it may feel like the end it may feel like this is it. and most times that may be the case but neither one of you want disappoint one another, but at the end of the day if neither of you are happy and you guys feel like you're being force to be in a relationship, its pretty pointless. You can't make anyone be what you want them to be and you can't expect them to be what they are not.

  It honestly suck when you feel like something was so right but its not. things will begin to become annoying; You'll become very irritable around one another; everything that person do will bother you.  You'll begin to just find any reason to argue. You'll really just feel like a totally different person. One thing you cannot do is loose yourself. You have to be the person in control of your own happiness, sadness, and emotions as a whole.

  Once you give a person that much control over how you feel without them is a thought you can't even bare to think about. this makes you think you need a person even though you're not truly happy. You're fooling yourself, you're only truly happy when you can be happy regardless of anyone or anything else. letting be in control of how you feel will make you think you cant go on without them and this is not true. Yes breaking up hurts yes it is sad, and yes it hurts your heart because you believe someone was so very different than all the others and all they did was prove to you they were just like the rest. And really all you ever wanted was to feel how you did and the beginning. You both just got comfortable and stop doing what you did to get eachother to fall in love in the first place.

  See the thing is people play with this thing everyone seems to want called "LOVE". they throw it around as if they are playing hot potato. Everyone wants it but not everyone knows how to love. Love is something that is everlasting so when you love some one and you really mean it that love you have for that person will never  vanish it will last forever even when things seem to be over love will always be enough. You will always be able to count on it. And just because its over doesn't mean the person doesn't love you its just mean they feel like they did everything they could do to remain in love but feelings didn't match up with what was in their heart Does that make any sense? I know love is hard to understand. It's even harder to explain.

  Trust me when I say things get better. They always do. It just takes time. everything does. Just how it took time for you to even love the person you though you would be with for the rest of your life. this is the time you use to find yourself and learn to throw away the person who feels so betrayed. This is not the time to dwell on what it aren't but time to except things for what they are. Time to get busy because all you will end up doin is thinking about it non stop everyone you do will remind you of that person and it will hurt every single time. You got to get into things to get your mind off of the things you can't seem to forget. If things are meant to be they will be. I know how cliché that might sound but it is true. everything that happens or that is happening to you are only preparing you and making you the you you've been waiting to be your whole life.

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