Tuesday, February 25, 2014


-"Knock Knock!".
-"Who's there?".
-"The One..Is Love there?"

    Living in this generation where everything is only momentarily, where every woman looking for love more than they look for their lost keys! But most are so emotionally damage, their past reason being. Is it cruel to let your future be affected by your past or is it better? I mean every guy isn't a jerk but a handful of them are, even when they think they aren't, causing woman to pull away and crawl back under the rock they chanced on coming from under to begin with. Honestly no one wants to be disappointed or set to be let down; It comes with hurt but definitely awareness. Making people, mainly woman second guess with relationships; sad to say I think it makes woman more afraid of love than anything. That's why its really kind of funny when guys get offended when a woman says "Well, I've been hurt before" or "I had bad experiences..." Only because they take pride in saying "All Men aren't the same." But females constantly land in the same or quit similar situations from their prior relationships. This makes a girl wonder. So ladies when "The One" comes knocking on the door announcing who it is, are you going to answer with open arms or say "Love don't live here anymore!"? Can't dwell on the past so much that you start letting it affect your future!

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