Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Business Is Business

"So it's Wednesday right"? Lol. These socials will define your life. Maybe it's just me but really; everyday I get on Instagram or Twitter and see people post things we all like or suppose to care about. From exposing to screenshots it's always someone trying to let us know what's going on in their precious lives.

    I'm convinced people are just eager for the attention eager to be acknowledge and eager to have a group of unknowns on their side. Example one: "oh it's Monday right"? Like we don't know it's Monday! Post the guy you all want us to finally know about, You know since we all CARE! It's not that serious same with today though. What makes people think other people who do not know them from a can of paint actually care who you talk to. 

    People use these social site to show everyone how good things are going, how popping they claim to be, how broke they baby's dad is, how much of a thief they baby mom is, how they have the best relationship, how much money they got. The list goes on, but honestly what is everyone trying to prove? Like thank you for putting me in your business but why should I know all these things? You don't ned my approval to do what you do.

    I'm not lying to you when I tell you these people who follow you on these social sites DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOUR LIFE! They really don't. I mean they might act like they care say "damnnnn" or maybe "yall is cute together" but trust when I say someone screenshoted you and put you in a group message talking about "your business". So really all you do most of the time when you post is give people something to talk about. Now you might be the type who like get into stuff like that but me I don't like people in my business because I don't care about anyone's opinion! 

   Here's what cracks me up the most. Here's what I really wanted to crack down on. People post so much about their personal lives and then will get mad once someone has something to say. I mean once you post something to the public your now giving the public a chance to voice their opinions weather it's good ones or bad ones. But lord knows you guys hate it when it's bad ones and have the nerve to tell people to "mind their business". People wouldn't be in your business if you didn't put them in it. I can honestly tell you a few people's whole lives and what they been thru and I swer to you I probably don't even speak to them or even meet them. YES ITS THAT SERIOUS! 

    All I'm saying is this, if you don't want anyone to know don't post. Keep that thought better yet, that business to yourself if it's not anyone's business, Keep it to a minimum!

Sorry Not Sorry

      Long time no see fellow readers! I have been extremely busy with work and holidays I have failed to keep you guys updated. So therefore I would like to say sorry. Would you guys except my apology? I know this maybe another sorry to add to your list of sorrys you may have got over this past year. Many of them meaningful, many of them pointless, and all of them you're just plain old tired of hearing. Trust me when I say you're not the only one tired of these apologies.

      An apology is a regretful acknowledgment of an offense of failure, well at least that's what the dictionary would say. Now days people use it just as much as people use Love.  We tend to only do it when we think it'll make things better, or shut a person up. Nine times out of ten people rarely are ever sorry about what they did. When people say they are sorry they usually mean "...for hurting your feelings", never for what they did. Now don't get me wrong I honestly think people do things ignorantly. They go in a situation not knowing rather or not it's about to hurt your feelings and once they do it, it's already done so there's no taking it back. So sorry is probably the only thing they can say to you.

      You can't get upset with a person for being ignorant. Sometimes the communication isn't there so they really don't know how you feel. But when a "sorry" is coming from a person who knows you, who knows how you feel, and who knows before they go into any situation how you would feel about it, is a person who simply don't care. I'm sorry to break it to you(lol) because it's sad and hard to take in but hear me out. First time a person does anything to hurt you and say sorry it's fine to accept their apology, but afterwards let them know how you felt about it. The second time they do it they just showed you how you felt didn't mean anything to them. So how do they really expect you to think what they did they didn't mean to do? 

        A "sorry" can only be accepted but so many times. After a while a sorry becomes just that. "Sorry for letting you down.." Again? "Sorry for talking to her/him" Again? "Sorry I cheated.." Again? People soon become sorry after a while. Sorry ass people. 

     I'm really the queen of "you shouldn't had did it" because seriously, if you knew why would you do it. Nothing is accidental. We are no longer kids, where we don't know what we are doing. Everything I do like anyone else, we do things we want to do. So I know if a person is doing anything they're doing it because they wanted to do it. When someone says "I'm sorry I didn't mean to..". What they really mean is "sorry I didn't mean for you to find out and feel some type of way".

      So remember the list of sorrys you have take that list, crumble it up in your fist, and throw it away with the rest of the bullshit you terminated in your life. In order for you to feel free you have to forgive. Not for them but for yourself, to be at peace with yourself no need to hold a grudge with someone who is simply sorry for not caring. Surround yourself around people who want the same thing as you. Be with some one who isn't sorry; be with someone who is glad to be with you and wouldn't do anything to hurt you and would do everything in their power to make sure that never happens!