Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Trick or Treat?

 Now days every lady is looking for that guy who can  provide for them; Right? Someone who can spend some money on you, oh naw y'all don't want no broke n*gga! I honestly think you ladies get providing and supporting a bit mixed up Tricking and treating  all the way messed up.That's okay, because now I'm here to help you separate the two. Single Ladies go grab a notebook and pen!

 First off , I'm going need all you ladies to stop calling these men tricks... why? Because when a man tricks he's usually a pimp tricking on his hoes who's about to be working that track and having sex for money. So if he is tricking on you because your giving him sex in return who's the hoe? hmmmm I'll wait. If you only got your hand out for some money your not an helping hand you're no better than these hoes working that track. It's not a good look; no guy wants a lady who forever got her hand out.

 Now their are ladies out here guys who actually can have that helping hand out so she don't need no hand outs. She helping herself and if you need her to do something for you its no problem. This is a turn on ladies; a guy cant help you if you can't help yourself. You always want to be that girl who can stand on your own two feet. You really have to have something going for yourself if you want anybody to respect you; you cant just be sitting at home not going to school, not going to work, not doing nothing. It only leave you with nothing to offer but a orgasm for these guys.

 A guy be knowing from the first time y'all text, talk, or link up if you are going to be a girl who he's trying to f*ck or a girl he's actually trying to f*ck with. It's all about how you portray yourself. Don't say anything that will give him the impression you want it as bad as he do. Now that is unless you actually do but you have to understand that's just what its going be. You really have to let him know what you're looking for from the start, do not go beating around the bush because you guys may start kicking it and he may start buying you things and you may even start to developing feelings when really he's doing all this tricking to get the treat.

 At this point this can go either two ways. If you told him you were trying to built a relationship and you have more than just sex to offer he may rock with you and start treating. Its not considered tricking if he actually f*cks with you. Now if you only have sex to offer and he just spend all this money on you he's going feel like sex is what he got in return for all the tricking he did. And nine times out of ten he will be on to the next. Sorry girl it was fun while it lasted. So kill that tricking word ladies its just silly to say "oh but he's a trick" if your not just trying to get some money and get f*cked. Let's be realistic for a moment. No matter what the situation is every guy wants to have sex when they first meet a girl but you can honest change if he wants to treat you or trick you. Its all up to you ladies!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What You Really Want?

  As a child my parents always tried to explain to me what my wants and needs are. Trying to tell me that my needs are way more important than my wants even when my wants out weight my needs. Now people take this a bit far, making their wants their needs and vise versa. Or sometimes even forgetting about their wants thinking they're unimportant!

 Wanting to be happy is important; wanting to be married is important; wanting to be successful.. IS IMPORTANT! None of these are exactly needs what so ever but are important when you're trying to figure out what your future will contain. It really amazes me how many people don't know what to say when someone asks them "WHAT DO YOU WANT"? If you want it then say it.. It's really that simple because most people can careless about your needs and get confused about wants.

  I thought it was so funny how I just seen toshthugettes post about how guys don't never be up front about what they want.. That's only because we all know what they want at the end of the day which is fine but leading someone on is never the case. If you want to be just friends but want to do what people in relationships do, which can be difficult, but shit we can make it work. All you have to do is say that's what you want! If you just want sex you need to say that's what you want. How don't you know if I may want that too? Don't go forcing anything because you're not sure what you want! And don't go forgetting what just sex means! Don't go acting as if you want something more because things could get pretty messy. And don't get upset when you get what you want be clear not misleading.

 Guys and girls be so worried about what they think they need but never know exactly what they want.  I always feel like if you don't know what you want then you don't need to be trying to mess with me. Only because time is a precious thing we can not get back. Please don't go wasting anyone's time just because you don't know exactly what you want... And most of us don't but that's something we all NEED to work on!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Triangle Effect

 Through out life we all go through these crazy dilemmas. Not all of us have gone through a dilemma such as a love triangle but a good handful has. Now recently there have been a few people who came to me for advice on what they should do and I'm only going to say this once. I can not tell you what to do I can only help you through ;You are your own person. I can't make you do anything. Ok, Alright, Cool.
So normally in a love triangle there are two ladies and a guy(NORMALLY!). The guy usually has one lady whom he really likes. Then he has another lady who he likes a lot but not so sure about. These ladies are two totally different people. Now I'm not going to call neither one of these ladies the main chick or side chick because if anyone wants to get technical no one is number one at first lol. It's the ladies who make him make that decision.

 Now a single guy can do as he pleases. He's not committed to either of these ladies; but once they find out about each other the competition begins, and us ladies make up these rules in our little heads on what a man can and cannot do and you cannot do that especially when he's is not obligated to you. I can honestly admit and vouch for this being a fact because I and many others I know maybe even the ladies reading this is like "hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah". How you going have rules for a game you don't have no control over!?

 Listen... When this competition becomes noticeable to the guy and to the public, especially the public... Is when it gets real! These ladies go at each other's neck, and we will all be right on these social site all in it. And what we might not peep is that there's always that one lady who's on chill while the other feels as though she has so much to prove. Doing the most is all a threatened female knows. And that's a major turn off. The lady attacking is pushing the guy so far away she doesn't even notice because she so caught up trying to compete with the next we going call her the crazy one.

 But just because the guy falling back don't mean he still don't "fuck with" the crazy lady. The lady who was on chill NORMALLY becomes the girlfriend and feels like she won when really he  still talking to the crazy lady. This is when the main chick side BS take affect and it's still a lose lose situation and y'all both dummies. Now because the guy has two girls he's trying to please  so he start. lying instead of keeping it real with the two ladies.

 My advice to anyone in this situation is this; If a guy is going to make you compete for a spot next him & this goes for both ladies; Don't no body want to be that "But I fuck with you" ass bitch. Excuse my French but that's just what it is. If he came with drama tell him it's a rap take that shit to FTR because don't nobody got time for that... Ties right into my "Rule #1 Never Be #2" ladies again... KNOW YOUR WORTH!